New Patients

NOT ACCEPTING new patients

Dr. Cindy Lee and Dr. Janice Lising are NOT accepting new patients. If you are looking for a family doctor, check out

Hours of Operation

  • Mon9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Tue9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Wed9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Thu9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Fri9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Satclosed
  • Sunclosed
  • Dr. Janice Lising (Mon to Fri, 9-4pm) Dr. Melissa Ng (Mon to Fri, 9-4pm) Dr. Cindy Lee (Tues to Fri, 9-4pm) Lunch (1pm to 2pm)

Holiday Hours


Phone lines will be open from 9am to 1am from Monday to Friday. Voicemail is for Cancellation only. If you would like to book an appointment, please call us back during our clinic hour. Sometimes the lines get really busy, please call back later we will try our best to answer all the calls. Click to Book Online
About Us

Our Clinic

Dr. Cindy Lee is happy to be back in Vancouver, BC. The scope of family medicine practiced and the services provided include newborn, pediatrics and adolescent care; women’s health; men’s health; geriatric and palliative care; and minor procedures. Family medicine services not provided: shared-care obstetrics, inpatient or supportive hospital care, nursing home care.  English is the primary language in the clinic. We do have multilingual staff but may ask you to bring a translator if […]

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All requests are triaged by the receptionist and documented for chief complaint. Therefore, we ask you to provide specific information about your concern, as required for appropriate scheduling, while ensuring your confidentiality. The patient in question must be present at the appointment. On occasion, both physician and patient will run late – please call to advise if you are running late, so we can plan accordingly. We reserve the right to fit in or rebook patients who are late for appointments.

New patient first appointments, referred to as “meet and greets”, are scheduled for about 10–20 minutes.

Regular visits are 10 minutes, to address patient’s main concerns. Secondary issues will be addressed if time permits; otherwise, a follow-up appointment will be offered as soon as possible. A follow-up appointment is not a dismissal of your concerns, but to ensure an appropriately thorough assessment for the issues is done.

Same-day urgent visits: We routinely reserve several appointment slots to accommodate concerns that should be seen urgently. When you are sick, we will see you quickly—help us help you by calling early for a same-day appointment.

Walk-in visits are discouraged. Please call ahead for a specific time for a same-day visit.

Periodic health exams: BC MSP does not cover for periodic health exams. Rather, these are only done for those with chronic medical conditions, at the discretion of the physician. These visits must be booked in advance, as this visit will be dedicated to do a comprehensive health audit and education session. Patients should not save problems or urgent issues for this appointment. Make an appointment to be seen much sooner for specific or urgent concerns.

Counseling, interviews and stress management issues: Patients should inform reception when they are calling about counseling, interviews or stress management issues so that more time can be scheduled.

If you are travelling a long distance and/or believe that your concerns will require more time with the doctor, it is important for you to inform our receptionist so that an extended appointment can be booked as soon as possible. You may also want to consider finding a family physician who is easier for you to travel to.

Dr Cindy W. Lee 李婉汝醫生 門診須知

102-4484 Main Street. Vancouver. B.C. T:(604)620-4484 Website:
李醫生門診時間為禮拜二到禮拜五;早上9點到下午5點, 禮拜六從早上9點到中午12點半。

關於Dr Cindy Lee
李醫師出生於台灣,在溫哥華長大。 從紐約拿到醫學學位,實習於多倫多大學家庭醫學系,現為UBC臨床講師。 現在很開心能回到溫哥華為大家服務。 李醫生的家庭醫學實踐和所提供的服務包括新生兒,兒童和青少年保健; 婦女的健康: 男性的健康; 老人健康和安息治療; 和小手術等。



1. 初診掛號,請攜帶健保卡 (MSP Card/Care Card)至櫃檯辦理。

2. 為了節省您的看病等候時間,請多利用電話預約掛號。

3. 如果臨時有事須要缺席,請在至少於一天前通知。

4. 如有爽約者,診所將向其收取Missed Appointment(爽約)費用。

5. 診所會把順位優先權給予有預約的病人

6. 如有預約,請在準時到達時,跟櫃台check in 。

7. 如果有需要口罩者,請第一時間向櫃台領取。

8. 請勿在診所喧嘩,如需用手機,請輕聲細語。

9. 在看診室,請把手機靜音。 請勿私自拿取醫療用品。


1. 所有病人在預約時,必須跟診所助理聲明想看醫生的原因。 前檯小姐會因病情的嚴重 性幫大家安排時間。

2. 每個病人第一次都必須約New Patient新病人的預約, 新病人約需要十到十五分鐘。

3. 每次預約以十分鐘為限,除非是當日警急預約(Same Day Appointment) 五分鐘為限。

4. 如果沒有事先預約,診所助理有權請病人離開。

5. 當日緊急預約是給警急狀況,發燒,身體不舒服。 並不包含看報告等等。

6. 為了避免病人等候時間太長。我們請所有病人在預約時間前五分鐘到。 遲到者將患者 若遲到十分鐘以上,之預約將會被改至當日其他空缺時段。遲到三十分鐘以上之預約將被 取消,並且在下次看診時需額外收取30元的預約缺席費用。

7. 如需取消預約,請在我們取消預約留言中留下你的全名與想取消的預約時間。

8. BC政府並沒有所謂的全身檢查,如有需要,請詢問醫生。 醫生將會以個人的需求, 幫病人申請適合的檢查。

1. 診所不會保證代班醫生一定會說國語或是女醫生。

2. 因為醫生的缺乏,我們請所有病人只能有一位家庭醫生。 違規者,將剔除於診所名 單。

3. 醫師基本上是完全不會做電話問診,病人的面談與當面了解症狀是醫生下正確診斷不可 少的因素。 如果醫生需要用電話問診,他只能給予最基本的回答。

4. 醫生將會仔細檢查所有報告,如有問題將會通知病人。如果沒有通知,代表沒有問題: 病人依然可以自己打電話來預約跟醫生討論。

5. 診所只負責幫病人預約與告知時間。 是病人的責任去記下所有檢查(X-ray, Ultra Sound,
CT, specialists 專科)時間,與更改時間。

6. 專科醫生的轉診,因從醫生以病人的需要而開始的程序。 病人可以向醫生要求專科醫 生,但是醫生有權做最後決定。 如果錯過專科預約,病人將會被專科診所收取爽約費。 如果病人一再爽約,醫生將無法幫再病人預約專科。

7. 每次預約,醫生將會仔細地回答你的問題。 如果時間不夠,醫生將會請前檯小姐在一 個禮拜內幫你約複診。

8. 拿藥預約須知; 如果有需要藥時,請主動跟醫生領取藥單。 醫生有權利在PharmaNet查 詢病人的藥單歷史。 診所將會收取$30藥單傳真服務。

9. 有些診所提供的服務並不在MSP的範圍內,這些費用會在當日與病人收取。 (詳情請查 詢櫃台小姐)

10. 所有問診的過程與病情全部為視為個人隱私,不會被公開。 除非有法院單條; 對病 人,他人,醫生,診所有直接威脅時; 有家暴懷疑 ( 19歲以下); 有病人同意才會公開 。

11. 診所有權開除病人,當病人沒有好的理由對診所;專科;其他醫療設施爽約(missed appointment)。多次拒絕遵守醫生的醫療建議; 不遵守診所須知:對診所的醫生,員工或 其他病人動粗或做出不尊重的行為將會被診所開除。

所有被開除的病人將會收到一份正式的通知,診所將會像病人提供三個禮拜的緊急服務 (從正式通知那天起)。在那期間內,病人需要自己去尋找新的家庭醫生,三個禮拜的緊急 服務後,診所將不再提供任何服務。請提供新診所的家庭醫生的資料,診所將會把你的資 料寄過去。

Inappropriate use of this service including non urgent prescription refills, and scheduling changes or cancellation requests, will result in a fine, due before your next regular appointment at the clinic. With subsequent offenses the fines will exponentially increase. The on call physician may only understand English and may not have access to your personal medical records. In your voice message please provide your full MSP card name, health card number, date of birth, your phone number, and briefly describe your concerns If appropriate, the on call physician will try to respond within 2 hours through an anonymous number. If you do not hear back, please contact the clinic as usual during clinic hours. Thank you.

24 hours’ cancellation notice is required, or patient will be charged for a missed visit.

Office staff are not able to call or send reminders for regular appointments.

Current uninsured service fees for missed appointments are posted in the office, and on the website. Fees for all uninsured services are subject to change.


UPCC and Hospital Emergency wait time!

Ever wonder how long are the wait times for hospital emergency room or your nearby Urgent Care Center? Check out this website. Wait time for ER and UPCC

Revised uninsured fee for 2024

We have made adjustments to our uninsured fees according to the Doctor of BC and The Society of General Practitioners of BC (SGP) guidelines. Noticeable changes are as followed; A00060 Medical Notes $52.25 A00093 Transfer of Records $43.25 A00000 Missed Appointment $93 A00055 Driver’s license examination (Yellow Form) $248 A96220 Driver’s license examinsation (Blue Form) […]

Locum Doctor Coverage 2024

Locum doctor coverage for 2024 We are happy to have Dr. Kayla Gallo and Dr. Lauren Kan helping out to cover a few days for our hard working doctors. You would be able to book with the locum doctors through our online booking. Here are the dates of coverage. Coverage dates for Dr. Lee Oct […]

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